About 16 oz. of juice

Monday, October 10, 2011

End day 2

A couple people asked for the recipe for the green juice in the picture, so here it is:

1 1/2 apples
1 pear
2-3 oranges
1 celery stalk
5 carrots
1/2 bunch kale

This makes about a quart of juice. It's sweet, but it definitely has a strong vegetable taste. The aftertaste is similar to that of wheat grass juice, if you've ever had that. You might have to fiddle with it until you get it the way you like it.

After reading the Reboot website a little closer (see the link below) I discovered that you can actually consume vegetables cooked if you wish, and I was really hankering for something warm and filling, so I made some organic, all natural vegetable soup with fresh vegetables and organic vegetable broth. It was very satisfying and I feel comfortable and ready for bed! I am going to juice some carrot apple juice tonight and refrigerate it for an on-the-go breakfast. I think you lose a few nutrients by not drinking it right away, and some purists claim that the cold is a shock to your body, but I know I will not get up early enough to make it fresh, and it tastes much better cold.

That's it for day 2! 40% of the way done with the fast!

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